News 29 September 2023 Open call for position of International Mentor on investigative journalism from Belarus Beehive up to October 3

The Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is seeking candidates for the International Mentor on Investigative Journalism position.

The Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is seeking candidates for the International Mentor on Investigative Journalism position. This is a short-term work in the “Belarus Beehive: Supporting New Initiatives for Transition and Reforms” Project (Belarus Beehive). Applications are accepted until October 3, 2023.

The Work Objective

Increase the number of actors able to conduct investigations that meet international standards and pass the likes of OCCRP standards of fact-checking.

Tasks and Awaitings

The investigative international journalist mentor(s) will work closely with Belarusian teams of journalists, whose investigative pitches were supported by Beehive, as well as with their local mentors in order to ensure international standards of their resulting stories. 

Required Skills and Experience

Experience in producing investigative stories according to international standards, i.e. - (re)published in leading world media and/or having passed OCCRP or ICIJ fact checking procedure;

Proven track record of managing teams in the field of internationally recognized investigative journalism including in non-Belarusian media.

Desirable Skills and Experience

Knowledge of English language would be an additional asset;

Proven track record of understanding specifics of the Belarusian investigative scene, with its limitations and opportunities; 

Understanding of security issues in the target region and ability to navigate those;

Knowledge of Belarusan OR Russian language (both written and oral).

Timing and Deliverables

The estimated maximum number of person-days required for the scope of the work is 25 days. There are product types expected from the investigative journalism mentor(s).

The services need to be provided until 31 December 2023. 

*Total can not exceed 25 days but particular deliverables can take less and some more days

Application, Interview and Salary

If you are interested in the role, please send your CV, motivation letter and offered fee per day which will include all related taxes. 

All documents should be submitted in English to by 03 October 2023, with the reference: “International Mentor on investigative journalism”. 

The CV and motivation letter must address how your skills and previous/ current professional experience match the required skills and experience set out for this role.

Please include the contact details of two references who will be available to provide information about your professional experience in case you are shortlisted for an interview.

About the Project

The Belarus Beehive project is a 30-month project supported by a grant from the European Commission. It’s dedicated to helping civil society survive and continue operations in the repressive environment and as much as possible help them prepare for the post-transition period when their expertise and engagement will be needed to support the reform process.

Further information is below the link.

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