BIC Editorial Policy
If you are unable or prefer not to read the full BIC editorial policy, here are eight essential rules and one key fact to help you grasp the principles guiding our work:
  1. Accuracy and Fact-Checking. All our materials undergo a multi-stage fact-checking process, including verification by independent fact-checkers, to ensure the objectivity and reliability of the data. We do not accept materials for publication if we cannot confirm their factual basis.

  2. Independence. We maintain complete editorial independence from external influences, be they political, commercial or public institutions. We do not publish articles at the request of our contributors and do not accept funding that comes with content approval obligations. All our editorial decisions are made solely on the basis of public interest.

  3. Accountability and Error Correction. We promptly acknowledge and correct errors, doing so in the most transparent manner possible.

  4. Right of Reply. We give our subjects the right to speak out and comment before publishing materials that may affect their interests or reputation.

  5. Transparency. We are open to the extent possible regarding our funding sources, methods of work, and contributors, except for those whose information is classified for security reasons. We strive to ensure that all information related to our activities is accessible and understandable to the audience.

  6. Language Ethics. We do not use hate speech and avoid discrimination and terms that may be humiliating or offensive.

  7. Objectivity. We avoid expressing personal opinions and beliefs in our materials.

  8. Use of Technology. We use AI and other technologies to improve the quality of our content, yet all major editorial decisions are made by humans. Any use of AI in our content is always open and transparent to the audience, and the result undergoes editorial review.

The BIC was declared an "extremist organization" by the Supreme Court of Belarus. By continuing to do our work, we are constantly at risk of persecution by the country's authorities. Interacting with our content may pose a risk to our audience, especially in Belarus. We appreciate the courage of our readers and viewers who continue to follow and support us despite the risks.

Introduction: Who We Are

The Belarusian Investigative Center is an independent media project, which employs an international team of professionals from Belarus and other countries. We specialize in investigative journalism, exposing disinformation, economic and political analysis.

The BIC is a member of the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) and part of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).

Following the 2020 events, our team was forced to leave Belarus due to the threat of persecution from the authorities. In September 2023, the BIC was declared an "extremist organization" by the country's Supreme Court.

Each member of the Belarusian Investigative Center team adheres to the standards and shares the values set forth in this editorial policy.

Mission and Values

The media mission of the BIC is to constantly raise the bar of Belarusian journalism, developing the most complex genres. The social mission of the BIC is to impose incremental costs on corruption and sanctions evasion, as well as to counter propaganda and false narratives in the media. In practice, that means that we produce quality journalism to make it harder for corrupt officials and sanctions violators to enrich themselves at our expense and harder for propagandists to deceive us.

In our work, we are guided by values that help us maintain high standards of journalism and create high-quality and objective content. We are convinced that these principles form the basis of our mission and allow us to provide our audience with reliable information, promoting a better understanding of current events and processes.


We adhere to the principle of complete independence from political, commercial, and other external influences. This is particularly important in our work on our major areas: investigative journalism, debunking fakes, political and economic analysis. We do not give in to pressure, which allows us to objectively cover important and sometimes uncomfortable topics.

Respect for Human Rights

We respect the privacy, freedom and dignity of every person we write about. In our materials we are guided by the principles of ethics, avoid sensationalism and do not violate people's personal boundaries without good reason. It is our belief that journalism should serve the public interest without infringing on the rights of individuals.

Social Responsibility

We take our responsibility to society seriously and aim for our content to foster understanding of complex issues, challenge misinformation, and raise awareness among our audience. Acknowledging the influence our work can have on public opinion and the growth of civil society, we prioritize information that serves the public interest over content enabled by mere curiosity.

Editorial Standards and Practices

Our editorial standards aim to ensure the quality, accuracy, and independence of all our content. They define how we approach content creation and audience engagement while maintaining a high level of professionalism and ethical guidelines.

Accuracy and Fact-Checking

Each of our materials is based on accurate data. We meticulously fact-check our content based on multiple sources to ensure there are no errors or misinformation. Before publication, each material undergoes not only editorial proofreading, but also a fact-checking stage. If a fact cannot be confirmed, we state this openly in the material.

As a member of OCCRP, we adhere to the organization's standards and do not accept expert commentary, media publications, Wikipedia, forum and blog posts, or documents that have not been verified as evidence. For us, evidence includes official government-issued documents, primary source evidence supported by evidence from other independent sources, supporting materials, and original documents backed by evidence from other independent sources.

We always strive to use primary sources if they are available and meet our criteria. When primary sources are unavailable or inaccessible, we resort to using secondary sources while stating the reasons for this choice and explaining why the use of a secondary source is necessary in this context.

Transparency and Accountability

We adhere to the principle of complete transparency, publish only verified data, and clearly distinguish between facts and opinions. If errors are found in the materials, we promptly acknowledge and correct them.

Quality and Style of Materials

All BIC materials must be written in clear, accessible language. We avoid using headlines and wording that may mislead the audience. All texts are carefully edited to improve style, structure and accuracy.

Accountability to the Audience

We encourage audience interaction, take criticism and suggestions into account, and openly discuss our mistakes or controversial points. Our mission is to maintain audience trust by extending accurate, fact-checked information and ensuring that our content is not misleading or harmful.

Objectivity and Impartiality

The BIC is funded by a wide range of donors on the condition of complete editorial independence. We do not publish articles or videos at anyone's request, nor do we accept funding that is tied to content approval obligations. The BIC retains complete control over editorial decisions and project management. In choosing topics, we are guided solely by their significance to the public interest and journalistic standards and not by the interests of our contributors. Accepting financial support does not mean that we support the donors' activities or positions. Our contributors do not have access to the materials that the editorial team is working on, do not participate in their review before publication, and do not influence the results of journalistic investigations.

The BIC follows the code of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), which, in turn, is based on the principles of the code of ethics of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). We commit to upholding standards of editorial independence, impartiality, and non-cooperation with political organizations that could influence or threaten our independence and impartiality.

BIC employees may not accept gifts or services valued at more than €30, which could compromise their independence or allow them to participate in the activities of any organization that could do the same. All employees are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest, such as personal, financial or professional connections, that could affect the objectivity of their work. In such cases, the editorial board takes measures to ensure that the journalist is not involved in covering topics related to their interests.

Our staff do not engage in political or social activities that might affect their ability to report impartially. This means refraining from publicly participating in rallies, events, or campaigns related to topics they may cover in their work. We keep our distance from any political parties, movements and organizations to eliminate the possibility of external interests influencing our content.

We strictly separate editorial and commercial activities. No journalist or editor may make content decisions while being influenced by donors or other partners.

Journalists and authors of materials are required to refrain from expressing their personal opinions and beliefs in BIC materials. Our job is to present the facts, not to force a particular position on readers. Where it is necessary to provide an analysis or interpretation of events, such materials, fragments, or quotations thereof must be clearly identified.

Forced Anonymity

Despite generally accepted journalistic standards that require open attribution, we are forced to ensure anonymity for many members of our team. This has to do with two key factors: the specificity of the investigative genre, which requires special precautions to protect journalists, and the recognition of the BIC as an extremist organization by the Belarusian authorities, which increases the risks for our employees. At the same time, we consistently maintain a high level of journalistic standards, ensuring the accuracy, objectivity, and reliability of all publications, even if the authors remain anonymous.

We do not conceal information on key figures in the editorial board. The founder of BIC and editor-in-chief Stanislau Ivashkievich, together with the show hosts, remain public figures. This helps ensure transparency in content management and creation, maintaining audience trust. Thus, we strike a balance between protecting our team and maintaining high professional standards, ensuring the safety of employees without compromising the quality of our work.

Citation and Working with Sources

Our editorial policy is based on strict rules of fact-checking and sourcing. We strive to ensure accuracy, reliability, and objectivity in all our materials. Our approach to using quotes from experts, subjects and eyewitnesses involves the following key points:

Expert Voices

We do not only check the accuracy of the expert's words, but also the correspondence between the expert's words and the factual information. If an expert's opinion is based on their personal experience and cannot be objectively verified, we clearly state this in the material so that the audience understands the nature of these statements. We avoid including emotionally charged statements from experts. If such quotes are used, it is necessary to ensure they are substantiated.

Investigation Subject Statements

It is our responsibility to give everyone involved in our investigations the right to speak out, no matter what they say. This helps to balance the material and provide different points of view. Emotionally charged statements by the subjects may only be included if they are substantiated and appropriate to the context. If there is a suspicion that such quotes prove manipulative, they should be subject to further analysis. Decisions on controversial issues are made by the responsible editors.

Eyewitness Accounts

Information received from eyewitnesses is always checked for compliance with the facts. If the eyewitness' information cannot be verified, we will directly report this in the material. If there is a suspicion of manipulation or an attempt to distort the facts, such quotes are discarded. As with the subjects, emotionally charged statements from eyewitnesses are included only if there are compelling reasons to convey context. Controversial issues are discussed and resolved by the responsible editors.

All quotations must be conveyed in an accurate manner, without changes and excluding any misunderstandings. If a quotation requires shortening or editing for clarity, it should be done in a way that does not change the essential meaning of what is said. No changes are made without explicitly indicating the adjustments. For example, if a quote requires clarification, it is added in brackets.

Quotations must be accompanied by an explanation of the context. Expert quotes should always be accompanied by an indication of the professional status of the source (e.g., "economist," "political scientist") so that the reader or viewer understands the speaker's level of expertise. For officials and civil servants, it is essential to indicate not only their position but the time or place of the speech as well. We always indicate the source of a quote, whether it is an interview, a public speech, an official document or a publication in open sources.

We do not pay speakers for interviews, photographs or recordings. We do not provide a list of questions in advance or give interviewees the opportunity to approve our text or video before publication.

Handling Sources

When working with informants, we adhere to strict standards of verification of their credibility. To confirm the identity of the source, we resort to a whole range of methods, including checking the mobile phone number, studying social media activity, and, if necessary, using passport and other databases. All provided facts are carefully analyzed and the authenticity of the documents is verified using independent sources. We strive to corroborate information and documents through additional sources other than the original source to ensure their accuracy and reliability.

We try to minimize the use of unnamed sources, as this may affect the audience's trust in the materials we publish. In cases where a source insists on anonymity, we must clearly explain to readers why we consider that source reliable. Concessions to anonymity are made only for compelling reasons and in the following order:

  1. without indicating the name, but with the position and company indicated;

  2. without indicating the name and position, but with the company indicated;

  3. without indicating the name and company, but with the position indicated;

  4. indicating occupation;

  5. without specifics, but with a degree of relevance to the topic.

An unnamed source cannot comment on the reputation of another person or organization.

Right of Reply

Before publishing any material that may affect the interests or reputation of individuals or organizations, we undertake to send a formal request with an offer to provide a comment or clarification. This is an integral part of our editorial policy, aimed at ensuring objectivity, fairness, and accuracy in our publications.

We provide subjects with the opportunity to respond to the facts or accusations presented within five working days. In cases where a response is not received within the specified time frame, the material may be published with a note indicating that the request was sent, but no response was received.

Human Rights and Sensitivity

The BIC adheres to strict standards of respect for human rights, especially when covering sensitive topics such as violence, tragedy, and conflict. Our content is always created with ethical standards in mind to avoid sensationalism. We attach particular attention to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of both sources and subjects of our publications. These guidelines aim to ensure that our reporting is always done with respect for human rights, protecting all participants in the journalistic process and taking into account their safety and privacy.

Respect for Privacy and Protection of Confidentiality

We respect every person's right to privacy. Personal information that is not in the public interest should not be disclosed without explicit consent. If the publication of personal data is necessary to cover information of public interest, this is done with the utmost caution and only in cases of extreme necessity.

Caution when Covering Violence, Tragedy and Conflict

Topics involving violence, tragedy and conflict require special care. We avoid publishing materials that may traumatize victims or their loved ones. We do not publish details that may harm people's reputations or violate their right to justice. In such cases, it is essential to focus on the public interest and avoid overemphasizing violent details or humiliating situations.

Special Care when Working with Children

We attach special attention to the safety and protection of children's rights in our materials. The use of images and information related to children is only permitted with the express consent of their parents or guardians. Materials concerning children should be created with their interests and safety in mind, avoiding the publication of information that could harm them in the future.

Security of Sources

Source protection is one of the key principles of our work. We protect the confidentiality of anyone who provides us with information, especially if disclosure could put them at risk. To protect our sources, we use secure communication channels and ensure their identities are not disclosed without their explicit consent. Where necessary, we take additional security measures to minimize potential threats to our informants, recognizing the importance of their role in the journalistic process.

The Belarusian authorities have declared the BIC an extremist organization, which entails risks for those who cooperate with us. It is our responsibility to warn all sources, interviewees and other participants in our materials about our status and the possible consequences of cooperation. Our priority is the safety of people, and we take all possible measures to ensure it.

Language and Context Ethics

Responsibility for Hate Speech

The BIC adheres to the principle of non-violence and respect for every person. We do not allow the use of hate speech or discrimination in any of our publications.

We refrain from using any terms, expressions or ideas that could be perceived as discriminatory towards any race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, nationality, or any other social designation.

Unless it is necessary to disclose the topic, we do not indicate the following in the text: race, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political and other opinions, national or social origin, property, Indigenous descent or self-identification with an Indigenous people, disability, migrant or refugee status, sexual orientation, gender identity.

We do not use language that could incite violence or aggression. We are cautious when describing conflict situations where tone and word choice may implicitly support or justify violence.

We always respect the dignity and feelings of the people we write about. We refrain from using derogatory or offensive terms, even towards those who may be recognized as opponents or enemies.

We do not use language that unreasonably diminishes or discredits anyone's position or views.

Not only do we avoid using hate speech, but we also commit to extending full context when we quote statements containing controversial or discriminatory elements.

Use of Swear Words and Foul Language

We refrain from using foul language and swear words in our materials. If such expressions occur in direct speech or quotes, we only publish them in cases where they have special significance for revealing the topic (for example, when describing conflict situations or aggressive behaviour). We do not edit such statements to preserve their accuracy and context, and we will alert our audience to the content of quotes before publishing.

Responsibility for Quotes

We are fully aware of our responsibility for every word published in our materials, including quotes. While the quotes are not the words of the BIC author, we aim to present them in a context that does not promote hate speech or discrimination.

If a quote contains hate speech or insults, we are obliged to either not use it or to provide a full explanation and criticism of such statements to prevent them from spreading or their legitimization. We are also required to be transparent when quoting controversial statements and to provide the context necessary to understand them properly while avoiding endorsing or supporting aggression.

Propaganda and Debunking Fakes

When we are engaged in debunking fakes or propaganda narratives, we have to approach it with utmost caution. Our mission is to inform, not to amplify or spread propaganda ideas. To do it, we avoid repeating false statements without critically analyzing and contextualizing them. It is essential not only to debunk fake news or propaganda, but also to provide facts and evidence that contradict manipulative narratives, while maintaining objectivity and neutrality. We do not promote or support ideologies, policies or narratives that can be used for disinformation purposes.

Accountability and Error Correction

At the BIC, we strive to maintain honest and constructive relationships with our audience, which involves a willingness to admit mistakes and address them promptly and transparently.

How We Respond to Error Reports

If our audiences discover an error in our material, we ask them to report it by writing to our editorial email, indicating the following information:

  1. the link to the material,

  2. the exact location of the error,

  3. the nature of the error with as much detailed information as possible.

We check the request in two stages:

  1. An internal editorial review to determine the nature of the error.

  2. Verification by an independent fact checker for additional objectivity and use of state-of-the-art verification methods.

Error Classification and Correction

The results of the check may lead to one of the following decisions:

Major error: Errors that undermine the core message of the publication or affect its veracity, such as factual errors, numerical errors, misquotations, or poor sourcing. If such an error is detected:

  1. We post a correction in the next release, in a comment to the video or in the publication where the error was discovered, as well as on the social media platform where the original material was distributed. In addition, we undertake to make a separate publication on the site acknowledging our error.

  2. We explain the reasons for the error and clarify that it was discovered thanks to the attention of our audience.

  3. We further notify the submitter of the results of the consideration of their communication.

Minor error: Errors that do not affect the central meaning of the material, such as typos and misspellings. In this case:

  1. The correction is published in the next episode, in a comment to the video, or in the material where the error was discovered to ensure transparency.

  2. We notify the submitter of the correction and explain that it was our mistake.

No errors found: If, following the check results, neither the editors nor the independent fact-checker finds evidence of the alleged error, we notify the submitter of the results and explain our decision.

We reserve the right to reject complaints if they:

  1. are offensive or threatening,

  2. do not contain sufficient information on the alleged error,

  3. or show signs of a coordinated spam attack.

Publication of Corrections and Transparency

All corrections are published in an open and transparent manner. We reach our audiences through the platforms where the original content was posted, whether it's social media, a website, or other channels. If necessary, we will also extend additional explanations as to the cause of the error, whether it is a manufacturing issue or false information from a previously reliable source. We publish all identified errors in the correction log on our website.

Using Third-Party Content

At the BIC, we strictly adhere to copyright and principles of using content created by others. All material taken from external sources, such as text, images, videos and graphics, must be used in accordance with copyright law and fair use guidelines.

Citation and References

We always indicate the source of any content that is not our own work. This applies to text materials, as well as images, videos, audio, and graphics. When quoting or using data from third-party publications, we provide an accurate link to the source and clearly indicate where our comments end and the content borrowed from another source begins.

Copyright and Licenses

Before using any copyrighted material, we check its terms. This may involve acquiring a license or negotiating with the copyright holder. When using content licensed under a Creative Commons license, we follow the terms of that license, including giving credit to the author, a link to the license, and information related to changes, if any.

Fair Use

We may use protected content under fair use conditions only when it is reasonable to do so, such as for educational, analytical or news purposes. However, even in these cases, the amount of borrowed material should be minimal and should correspond to the purpose of its use. We strive to avoid excessive borrowing that may violate the rights of the content owner.

Recasting and Adaptation

If it is necessary to use third-party content in an adapted or modified form (for example, when translating or modifying images), we indicate this and comply with the license terms. We always check if the author allows derivatives from their material.

Content in the Public Domain

We can use materials that are in the public domain without the need for permission or licenses. Even in such cases, however, we prefer to cite sources to maintain transparency and clarity in our work.

Source Verification

We always check the sources of content to ensure their reliability and legitimacy. Using illegally obtained data or materials that violate someone's rights is unacceptable as part of our editorial policy.

Compliance with the Law

The BIC adheres to the laws and regulations of the country in which it is registered when creating and publishing content. We recognize the importance of legal responsibility in our activities and take all necessary measures to ensure that our materials comply with European law.

Interacting with the Audience

Interacting with the audience is a vital part of our work at the BIC. We believe that open dialogue with our readers and viewers not only helps improve the quality of our content but further promotes transparency and trust. We strive to create content that is engaging, helps audiences understand complex issues, and gives them the opportunity to get involved in the process of receiving and sharing information.

Feedback and Engagement

We welcome any comments, suggestions, and criticism from our audience. It is essential for us to know what our readers and viewers think about the content we create and how we can improve our work.

To maintain a meaningful dialogue:

  1. We carefully read all messages and comments we receive via email, social media pages, and other communication channels.

  2. We extend opportunities for audiences to pose questions, share their opinions and engage in discussions both on our platforms and during special events such as live broadcasts or tapings where audience participation is provided.

Accessibility and Transparency

We seek to make information accessible and understandable to a broad audience. In this context, it is essential to:

  1. Write in understandable language, avoiding unnecessary technical terminology or complex expressions that may complicate comprehension.

  2. Use infographics, charts, and other visual aids to ensure that information is presented in a clear and understandable form.

  3. Stay open to discussing even the most difficult topics, giving the audience the opportunity not only to learn new facts but to better understand the context of current events as well.

Audience Involvement in Content Creation

We are convinced that the audience is not only consumers but also active participants in the process of creating information. We encourage and support audience initiatives:

  1. We invite our viewers to share their stories and information that can become the basis for new investigations.

  2. We engage audiences in fact-checking processes to create content based on collective expertise.

  3. We acknowledge the contribution of our audience to our publications if their information or comments have helped improve the quality of our materials.

Accountability to the Audience

We understand that our audience expects reliable and objective information. Therefore:

  1. We promptly respond to comments relating to possible errors in our materials, as described in the Responsibility and Error Correction section.

  2. We avoid bias in our content and strive to provide as complete and objective a view as possible on the topics discussed.

  3. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our readers and sources to ensure the safety and trust of our platforms.

Rules of Etiquette and Communication

We encourage a culture of respectful communication. All participants in discussions on our platforms must adhere to rules that exclude:

  1. The use of hate speech, insults, or discrimination.

  2. Spreading false information or spam.

  3. Interference in constructive discussion aimed at undermining trust in the materials.

We reserve the right to remove comments that violate these rules in order to maintain a healthy atmosphere of communication.

Use of AI and Other Technologies

At the BIC, we use modern technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to improve the quality of our journalism and the efficiency of our editorial work. We do recognize, however, the importance of ethical and legal issues associated with the use of AI and technology and follow strict principles for their use. We also do not replace people with technology, yet we use it as a tool to help and enhance journalistic work.

Transparency and Accountability

Whether we use AI to analyze data, create content, or fact-check, we provide complete transparency into these processes. Any use of AI must be clearly labelled so that the audience understands how specific results or conclusions were reached. We label AI-generated or AI-processed materials and always take responsibility for the results of their use.

Human Control

Although AI can significantly speed up processes related to information analysis, humans always make the final decisions. Artificial intelligence is a tool, but it is not a substitute for editorial expertise. Every article is reviewed by a journalist, editor, and fact checker to ensure the AI-generated data is accurate and meets our editorial standards.

Ethics and Bias Prevention

When using AI, we consider the potential risks associated with algorithmic bias. We seek to minimize the impact of biased algorithms by carefully selecting analysis tools and methods. The BIC undertakes to avoid the use of technologies that may harm the fairness, transparency, or objectivity of materials.

Privacy and Data Protection

We protect all data that passes through AI systems and ensure it is only used within ethical and legal rules. We are cautious when handling personal data and confidential information.

Automation and Content Generation

We can use AI to automate some routine procedures or help with content creation (e.g. automatic translations, data structuring, infographics preparation). Any AI-generated content, however, is always reviewed to ensure it meets editorial standards and is monitored by editorial staff. It is also always labelled accordingly.

Ethical Restrictions

We never use AI or other technologies to manipulate audiences, spread disinformation or mislead. We oppose the use of technology for propaganda, agitation, or promoting false narratives. The BIC is committed to using AI and other technologies as tools to enhance journalistic work while maintaining high standards of accuracy, transparency and ethics.

Equality and Anti-Harassment

At the BIC, we strive to create an inclusive, respectful and safe work environment where every employee enjoys equal rights and opportunities. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or any other behaviour that violates the rights and dignity of our colleagues. Our policy is to protect all employees, regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, or other designations.

Ethics of Conduct Outside the Editorial Office

The members of the BIC team represent not only themselves but also the reputation of the entire media, even outside the editorial office. We are convinced it is essential to maintain our professional standards and ethical principles not only in the work context but also in everyday life, including online behaviour and community involvement.

Guidelines for Offline Behavior

We expect our employees to behave in a manner that is consistent with social norms and takes into account the rights of others. It is important to avoid actions that could harm the BIC reputation, including involvement in illegal activities, or cause a conflict of interest.

Guidelines for Online Conduct

Transparency and professionalism: interaction with audiences and colleagues on social media and through other communication channels must meet the highest standards of professionalism. We avoid using hate speech, discriminatory language, or other rhetoric that could affect the BIC reputation.

Limited personal opinion: BIC team members refrain from publicly expressing their personal political views on social media if this could create the impression of supporting specific ideologies on behalf of the BIC. We seek to maintain objectivity and neutrality, avoiding activism that could compromise our editorial independence.

Confidentiality: We are committed to protecting confidential information regarding our editorial activities, sources and colleagues. Publishing proprietary details or sensitive data on the Internet without appropriate permission is strictly prohibited.

Responsibility for Actions Outside the Editorial Office

All team members are responsible for their actions, both online and in their daily lives. Any violations that may harm the BIC reputation or are contrary to our values will be considered at the level of the Ethics Committee and, depending on the severity of the violation, may result in disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of cooperation.

Our goal is not reduced to being editorial professionals, but involves representing a high level of ethics in every area of life. It is our belief that responsible behavior outside the workplace helps build trust in the BIC and maintains our reputation as an independent and reliable source of information.

The editorial policy was adopted by the BIC Boards

on December 18, 2024.