Guidelines for republishing articles and other content of the Belarusian Investigation Center
The BIC welcomes partial reprint and citation of our articles so that more people receive reliable and verified information about what is happening in Belarus and abroad. The following rules will help you to avoid violating copyright.

Those willing to republish an article all have to obtain the permission of the copyright holder, i.e. the editor team. You may contact us by mailing. Those wishing to republish the all article should indicate the BIC’s authorship and provide an active link to the original page of the article in the first paragraph of the reprinted content. The link must not contain the ‘nofollow’ attribute or any other parameters that prevent indexing. Changes to reprinted text are prohibited.

Reprinting 30% (or less) of both the text and its graphs and other illustrations is forbidden without obtaining permission from the editor team. Those wishing to republish a part of an article should indicate the BIC’s authorship and provide an active link to the original page of the article in the first paragraph of the reprinted content. The link must not contain the ‘nofollow’ attribute or any other parameters that prevent indexing. Changes to reprinted text are prohibited.

Those wishing to republish a quotation or a part of an article should indicate the BIC’s authorship and provide an active link to the original page of the article at the point of citation. Changes to the quoted text are prohibited.

Those wishing to publish a copywrite should indicate the BIC as the source of information and provide an active link to the original page of the article in the first paragraph of the content.

A video can be posted by using a link or a code from the BIC’s YouTube channel with the following text: “Video of the Belarusian Investigation Center (BIC).” Uploading videos to other players or on YouTube channels is prohibited. 

The use of photographs we purchase from agencies (such as Reuters, AP, or others) is prohibited. It is easy to distinguish from photos or other BIC illustrations because we always indicate the source. Those willing to use photographs, graphs, and other illustrations of the BIC should indicate the authorship in the credit: “Photo/graphics/illustration of the Belarusian Investigation Center (BIC).”

Those wishing to post a link to the text reprinted in whole or in part on social networks or messenger platforms should provide a link to the related BIC's social account.