On December 11, 2024, the Telegram channel “Zemlya Nasha” published a post with a 15-second video from ABC News allegedly about high Ukrainian losses in the war.
“Zelenskyy continues to assert that there are minimal losses in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but on the American TV channel ABC News, they don’t seem to care about his image. They immediately discuss a million killed and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians left without arms and legs. At the same time, the journalists refer to the survivors in the fire as ‘incredible’ — ‘Incredible.’ In a certain sense, one could agree with them; they are indeed incredible,” the caption of the video stated.
The Weekly Top Fake team identified the original video that had been excerpted by the Telegram channel. It was a five-minute segment from ABC News, aired in March 2023, focusing on wounded Ukrainian servicemen undergoing rehabilitation in the United States. The Telegram channel used random clips from this report and added a different voiceover.